Brahmastra movie of Alia bhatt and Ranbir kapoor. Moviefurorr is all about the craze of movies. It is the way to provide you the latest information of various movies that increase your furor for movies. Brahmastra is an upcoming film of Amitabh Bachchan, Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Mouni Roy Brahmastra story = Ranbir(shiva) with supernatural powers, Alia(Isha) and Mouni Roy play a Villian character Bharamastra's story is based on Kumbh Mela . Brahmastra is a weapon of Hindu god Brahma, Who is called the creator of the universe This is the weapon used in Mahabharata it is used to save the dharma and Satya . The film title refers to "Ancient wisdom, Energies, and powers" People are very excited to watch this movie and also the Chemistry of Ranbir and Alia.People who have furor for the chemistry of Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt must see the movie. Brahmastra logo reveled The Brahmastra ...
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